Heat-filtering glass

Recommendation 86
Apply heat-filtering glass against solar gain

Chapter (theme)
Architectural spaces (temperature)

Because of
sensory sensitivity (warmth), stereotypical patterns: rigidity

In order to
contribute to the thermal comfort in order to create a better learning environment.

The theme temperature estimates that in roughly 40% of Dutch schools it is often too hot or (less frequently) too cold. Students with autism suffer more from this circumstance than others because many are unable to adjust their body temperature to the ambient temperature. This leads to unwell-being, even to those who don’t consciously experience this maladjustment.
For this reason it is important to take measures in order to keep the temperature in school within an extra narrow range of thermal comfort. This can – among other things – be achieved by measures preventing solar heat entering through windows, skylights and other facade-openings. There are various technologies on the market with which this can be achieved: heat/infra-red absorbing glass, heat control films or sheets, exterior shielding, etc.

Two additional matters need to be raised. First, next to prevention of solar gain, energy saving should also be a concern. In cold months incoming heat from the sun can help save energy (and money) for heating. Al-Mohaisen & Khattab mention ‘high-performance’ windows which achieve both: keeping out solar heat in warm months and letting it in in warm months.
The other point is the relation with measures against sunlight. When incoming sunlight is avoided altogether (recommendation 79), measures against incoming heat from the sun are unnecessary. If, on the other hand, windows or other façade-openings are directly exposed to the sun (recommendation 77), then heat and light measures need to be combined.

Al-Mohaisen & Khattab

Al-Mohaisen, Abdullah, and Omar Khattab, ‘Green Classroom: Daylighting conscious Design for Kuwait Autism Center’, In: GBER 5(2006)3, 11-19. PDF