Private bathroom
Recommendation 47
Some tips for bathroom and toilet
Chapter (theme)
Architectural spaces (bathrooms and toilets)
Because of
Central coherence and motor awkwardness
In order to
be able to use the bathroom and toilet without avoidable complications.
As discussed in recommendation 46 there can be good reasons and the opportunity to provide a private bathroom for the autistic family member.
Since the bathroom and toilet are spaces with a large number of sensory and social challenges, many recommendations are devoted to them. Because of the system of this website these are all concerned with particular aspects. In this case it’s about the contribution of the way bathrooms are built and furnished to the pleasant use of these facilities by people on the spectrum .
The tips are:
Locate the wardrobe close to the bathroom, to avoid clothes from spreading through the apartment.
Install nonslip flooring or floor tiles, since it may not be apparent that a wet floor may be slippery.
The use of ceramic tiles on walls and the floor is undesirable because of their acoustic and contact sound qualities. And also because they tend to reflect (sun-)light excessively. In case, for some reason, ceramic tiles are the material of choice, they should be matt and care should be taken the tile joints will not accumulate dirt in them. Also the wall tiling could be limited to 1.50 meters from the floor, above which water-repellent paint can be applied. (See van Beek.)
There are sufficient alternatives for ceramic tiles. On the floor one may consider poured concrete, which can be both colored and made course. Various non-slippery poured synthetic floors are available.