Interior noise

Recommendation 72
Apply zoning principles, insulate spaces in order to contain noise

Chapter (themes)
Architectural spaces (sound / noise and acoustics)

Because of
sensory sensibility, weak imagination, Central coherence

In order to
lessen noise.

As discussed rather extensively in the theme noise and acoustics, noise comprises one of the, if not the most important sensory challenge. This concerns children with normal hearing and of course more so children with more acute hearing and a peculiar interest in certain sounds, which occurred in respectively about 49 and 37% of assessed autistic children. (See Chinese research in the theme sound.)

A relatively large number of recommendations is concerned with noise-reduction, among which six in this chapter of architectural spaces. Apart from this recommendation on interior noise, among others also those about contact noise, stairwell noise and reverberation.
Here too the question is which preventive measures against interior noise can be taken in the (re)building phase of a house.

The three most important sources of interior noise are all sorts of installations and appliances (such as in the kitchen), of tv and sound systems and those made by family members themselves. What can be done about his in daily life (among which the behavior of family members, headphones, etc) is mentioned in recommendation sounds of living in the chapter Interior design.

Zoning is the keyword behind architectural measures against interior noise. That is containment of sound to rooms and larger zones in the home.
One’s private room or other personal space should be sound insulated and preferably those of sound producing family members as well: isolated walls, ceiling and floor, and sufficiently robust and well closing doors.
The space(s) in which sound systems and tv’s are located should also be well insulated.
In deciding about an open or closed kitchen, sound-considerations are important.
Instead or in combination with the above, one may create zones with different sound levels. For instance a silent attic and/or a basement or garage with a high sound level (drilling, sawing, tv, sound systems, musical instruments).

