Give the school a clear layout
Recommendation 26
Strive for an optimal physical and visual structure.
For younger children create, if possible, a common enclosed courtyard which is visible from all corridors and classrooms as a point of reference, and/or an internal ‘circulation space’ which may serve as the focal point of the school
Chapter (theme)
Architectural spaces (zoning)
Because of
Central coherence, Cognitive shifting, Social and communicative limitations, Sensory sensitivities
In order to
stimulate orientation, diminish the stresses of school life and stimulate concentration.
Most of the articles referred to as ‘the core literature‘ on architecture and autism are about schools or educational buildings either in, or in proximity to, treatment homes.
All these authors emphasize a good physical structure and a thoroughly considered visual structure to enhance orientation which may be undermined by problems with Central coherence and with Cognitive shifting.
Zoning-principles are among the most powerful measures for enhancing orientation and, fortunately, the concept of ‘zoning’ can be applied to the specific layout of most school buildings.
For younger children requiring a combined education and treatment setting, an enclosed courtyard with a central indoor ‘circulation space’ offers an inspired example; simultaneously achieving oversight, safety and intimacy. See Beaver and Whitehurst in the core literature.